Detective Liam Niles : The Diarium Of Lady Tauna Drake

British Detective Liam Niles is today's medieval swordsman....
British Detective Liam Niles has been hired to investigate and find an ancient ring belonging to American Pastor Connor Drake's descendant, Sir Knight John Drake from the 17th century within the castle-turned- Chivalry Chapel. In his keen deduction through discovery of clues, with black trench coat like cloak, sword by his side, swag in his black boots, he solves the case that leads to yet another mystery. Whilst on this modern medievalistic journey, The Pastor's daughter Tauna Drake, the only heir to the chapel, from the first clue, lay her hand into his hand of chivalry, adventure and romance. as Bren, Tauna's mother holds the skeleton key to all the past secrets. But what hidden truth is yet to be discovered as Detective Niles finds the facts of Pastor Drake's associate and beneficiary of Chivalry Chapel. Dayn McConol has hidden secrets of his own while a pre-arranged nuptials agreement with his daughter, another ancient descendant lurks, in the ancient castle's shadows. His name, Sir Knight Blackwood..

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