Meridian Sky: Celina's Story

Five years after the fall of Ekta, the Earth continues to decay, racing toward imminent destruction. Celina, the Demon Queen, terrorizes the remnants of the planet's population, her wrath completely unchecked. With all the heroes who once faced her down scattered and fractured in defeat; all hope appears lost for humanity.

Zayne is just a single soldier in the Demon Queen's army. Unfortunately, with pink hair and a frail body, he is the furthest thing from a conventional soldier, treated like a punching bag rather than a comrade. He spends day after day training and drilling, seemingly in vain. Despite this, he hides a dormant power that no one, especially not his mother, the Demon Queen, could ever have predicted. It's a battle for the survival of humanity as Zayne looks for any and all leads and shakily stands up to Celina, to exorcise the curse of their family once and for all.

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