General Chat > Add a boo

Add a boo

14 May 23

I have tried muliple time to add another book but when I click create after entering in all of the info, nothing happens.


What browser are you using? If you can take a screenshot of the page before your press the create button and send it to - I can take a look and see if anything is causing an issue.  The only thing that It could be (off the top of my head) - is that the image you're using for the book cover isn't validating for some reason. Try not adding a cover and see if that works. If so, then it could be something like the image is too big or in the wrong format (the page should tell you if there's an issue like that, but perhaps that's not working correctly).

14 May 23

Yeah I'm having the same issue. What is the required size of the image? I've reduced it considerably but no worky for me either, and no warning, but I think that's the issue. I'm using FireFox and I tried Edge, no worky. I also tried it without an image and still nothing happened.

edited @ 19 Sep 23

I'm having the same issue...

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